Saturday, June 4, 2011

I Don't Care What You Think About Me it was All Her Fault!

    So this is an essay on a book i read, i suggest you read it I'm sure you would enjoy it.
Talk about a sad book, well at least up to the end or at least I thought so.  If anything the end got me real angry.  This book is called Thirteen Reasons Why and the main subject of the book is suicide.  Suicide, we never really talk about it mostly because its such a horrible thing but why do people do it.  In Thirteen Reasons Why a teenage girl named Hanna kills her self and two weeks later a boy named Clay receives a package.  We he opens the package he there are 13 tapes inside.  The tapes are from Hanna the girl who killed her self.  Each tape are voice recordings of Hanna explaining why she killed her self.  Each of the tapes tells a story about a reason of why she does it.  In the stories there is on person who added on to a snow ball effect that led to her suicide.  The package was sent to 12 other people, Clay being number 10.  After one person listens to all 13 tapes he or she is to send the tapes to the person mentioned after them.
    Talk about an intense read, it was really hard for me to put down the book.  It wasn’t a hard read if anything the reading level was a bit below my reading level.  Though it was a lower reading level the book had some big subjects as in teenage drinking, sex and the struggles at school.  Which helped pull me in, I had that connection with the characters.   But further and further in to the book that connection separated and my understanding with the characters lessened.  This may sound bad but at the end of the book Hanna was an idiot.  Its her fault she died not anyone else.  She could have stopped her self from killing her self if she was smart enough to open her eyes and see people were there to help her.  But maybe I'm just being insensitive and a jerk, that’s just the way I feel.
    Besides the reading the way the writer Jay Asher wrote was interesting.  Instead of organizing the book in to chapters he started each “chapter” as a Cassettes; Cassette 1: Side A, Cassette 1: Side B, and so on and so forth.  The book was in first person from the point of view of Clay and the point of Hanna.  How can it be in first person from the perspective of two people?  Its interesting the first cassette starts with Hanna, Hello, boys and girls.  Hanna Baker here.  Live an in stereo.  All of Hanna’s dialog are italicized. Then the next line switches to Clay talking to him self. It goes on like that through the whole book.  I thought this was such a great way to write the book.    

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